Optimizing Window Functions With Designing Bay Window

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Optimizing Window Functions With Designing Bay Window

Posted By Viman At 01:39
Posted By Viman At 01:39

Windows has many functions for your home. The main functions are as a ventilation, a place for light to enter and a place to look out or into the room. In general, windows are made with flat model which is flush to the wall. However, there is a window form which offers more optimum effect for those functions. That is bay window. Bay window is 3-lite projection windows which form a bay to the outside of the walls. From inside, it will seem like a kind of niche. Bay window is generally in the from of semicircle, half of hexagon and half of octagon. This window model is frequently used in Europe and America.

Bay window has has several advantages compared with a flat window. The first advantage is sunlight will enter much into the room because of the wider glass. Second, air will more free in and out of house because it can be opened larger. Third, It has wider viewing space so that the family member can enjoy the outdoor view. Fourth, the niche can be used as a seat, table or even a relaxing place. It will be fun relaxing while enjoying the outside scenery or reading magazine accompanied by a cup of coffee while sitting on the window.Read more »

Informations Optimizing Window Functions With Designing Bay Window finished we discussed

A few of our artikel about the Optimizing Window Functions With Designing Bay Window, hopefully can provide a reference for you to build your dream home.

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