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Schwetzingen bathhouse -a private Italian Villa
The Schloss Schwetzingen which I mentioned last week (the Temple of Apollo) was essentially a very public space, even in the 18th century before becoming the even more public museum it is today. The elector, in order to get away from 'court life' and from the general public which were allowed into the grounds, built the Badehaus (bathhouse) as a private refuge from what was essentially his 'work'. Imagine having to live at your office!Built in the style of an Italian Villa the bathhouse featured not only a small sauna area but also a bedroom & sitting room - a sort of /2008/02/petit-trianon.html">Petit Trianon at Schwetzingen!
While strictly classical I love the sense of playfulness found throughout the details. The round entrance hall is stunning.
Directly off the entry hall is the bath -thats what the building is for afterall! You may recognize the spaces as they were featured in the May 2009 issue of World of Interiors Magazine (one of my favorites).
You also will catch a rare glimpse of my Australian Penpal in the mirrored door who is kind enough to always share his travel pictures with us here on /">ArchitectDesign!
Rather than a large palatial room the bedroom is quite residential, even featuring a now out-dated twin sized bed. Seriously - when was the last time you slept in a twin bed? Even kids seem to have bigger beds these days!
Don't miss the chamber pot pulled out of its' little closet with a porthole window for ventilation. Also the Wedgwood vases are unusual to spot in Germany rather than Meissen or another German porcelain.
The room above features a more typical German porcelain chandelier (Dresden or Meissen perhaps?) along with a number of very German looking figurines on the mantelpiece. I hope you enjoyed this very private look at the Schwetzingen Badehaus!
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Tag : Architect, design, Germany, history, Interiors, penpal, Schwetzingen, travel,
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