Small Studio Apartment Design Layouts, Create Small Apartment Space Looks Wider

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Small Studio Apartment Design Layouts, Create Small Apartment Space Looks Wider

Small studio apartment type is now a choice for many singles men and women and also couples without children. One of the constraints on the model studio apartment is a very limited space. Designing a studio apartment is a big challenge because the entire room was in one big room. This studio apartment must be able to accommodate several different activities, such as living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Here are some tips for designing a studio apartment type and how to create small apartment space looks wider

Maximize storage

If you have a studio type apartment then furniture should have a dual function. You can buy the chairs and tables that have storage. Make built in cabinets up to the ceiling so that it can be used for a place to store blankets, duvet cover, bolster pillow and other items that are rarely used.

Use Container For Hiding Items

You can buy a variety of containers to hide stuff that is not necessary. Items such as books, toys, tools and so it is very disturbing appearance of your studio apartment and can be hidden in a container.

Use Glass To Expand Space

The studio apartment was very narrow and can be very uncomfortable. Outsmart with glass using to expand the space, such as the glass in the living room, or glass in the built-in cabinets.

The room should not be dark

Covering windows with roller blinds can make a small room feel dark and cramped. We recommend using a thin curtain in the window. Light always makes the room feel more spacious and comfortable.

Create a Focal Point In Space

We recommend that you create a focal point in a narrow space such as a fireplace, different paint a beautiful painting of the wall or your favorite painter. you can also put the credenza displaying your works of art on a space field of.

Use Unique Partition

If you feel uncomfortable if the bedding joined with a family room and a kitchen you can use a unique partition as a room divider and accent. Use the partition of lightweight material so that small room does not look crowded.

Use Light Paint Color

If you are a small studio apartment should use bright colors. You do not need to use white paint, but you can use other colors such as white broken. Light-colored paint will make the room look more spacious, gets inspired below.

Informations Small Studio Apartment Design Layouts, Create Small Apartment Space Looks Wider finished we discussed

A few of our artikel about the Small Studio Apartment Design Layouts, Create Small Apartment Space Looks Wider , hopefully can provide a reference for you to build your dream home.

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